Old World Charm
Detroit, MI
This project, a winner in the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association’s Industry Awards Program, was designed with the intent to create a lush, simple, and colorful plant palette. Through the selection of bright colored plants such as All Gold Hack Grasses, Astilbe ‘Pumila’, Little Lime Hydrangea and the client’s favorite, blue hosta, we were able to achieve our goals with limited plant selection. We were able to keep the pallet simple through repetition and mass plantings which allowed for an elegant flow. Larger arbs and Kousa dogwoods were used to filter out the neighboring properties along with the various layers that appealed to the client’s vision. Adding in various evergreen elements such as low growing yews, boxwood hedges, hellebore, and arborvitae, we were able to provide the homeowner a design that not only gives him a lush look through the growing season, but also provides color for all seasons.
Products Used
All Gold Hack Grasses, Astilbe ‘Pumila’, Hydrangeas, Arborvitaes, Kousa dogwoods, Boxwoods, English & Japanese Yews, Various Roses, Regal & Blue Angel Hosta, Ohio Bluestone set in Decomposed Granite